Are you looking to provide increased options and access for your students? We can provide online or blended options for individual students or full-class solutions. We offer a full suite of AP courses, electives, CTE courses, core instruction, and world languages.
Original credit courses currently serve grades K-12 and are designed for students adding course(s) to their current local school schedule.
Credit recovery courses are available for students in 9-12th grades and are designed for students who need to recover credit due to a previously failed course.
All courses are fully aligned to Illinois State Learning Standards, are accredited by the NCAA and College Board (AP) and taught by IL certified teachers.
Original credit courses are asynchronous which means that students are not online live with their teachers but work through lessons at their own pace. Lessons include multiple models of delivery of content, targeted practice, and varying types of activities including written work, discussion boards, quizzes & tests, projects, labs and group work.
Teachers at IVSA are required to hold office hours where they are available to meet live with students; teachers post office hours in the online course.
IVSA works with the Partner School to ensure students are receiving adequate support.